West Bend Moose Lodge
Moose Lodge 1398
WOTM Chapter 732
Thank you Volunteers!!!
Thursday, March 20th
Doors Open at 5pm, Dinner at 6pm​
This Lodge would not function and run as greatly as it does, without the support of our members and our amazing VOLUNTEERS! To show our greatest
appreciation for all your hard work and dedication to our West Bend Moose Lodge, we are having a Volunteer Dinner in your honor!
Volunteers are FREE, Spouses and Non-volunteers $10/each.
RSVP to the Lodge Board.
2024-2025 Embrace Our Community

West Bend Moose Lodge Highlight Events!
Board Nominations!
Both the Lodge & WOTM Boards are looking for those willing to step up for our 2025/2026 year coming up!
If you are interested in being apart of the Lodge Board, please reach out to Ken Knopp.
If you are interested in being apart of the WOTM Board, please submit your name and position you'd like to be considered for to any member of the WOTM Board.

WOTM Monthly Community Service Project
March Committee
Interfaith Caregivers
This month’s community service project She is holding a donation drive for the month and is collecting: K-Cup coffee pods (any), Individual Snacks, Bottled Water, Kleenex, Hand Soap,
and Gift Cards for Food and Gas!
We do ask that any donated gift card please be given to one of our board of officers or put in
an envelope and placed in our mailbox by the office, thank you!
If you wish to give a cash donation instead, please mail it to the chapter and mark it:
March Membership committee.
Thank you!
WOTM Craft Night
March 19th &
April 16th at 6pm
Cricut Design Learning Nights!
Please bring your laptop or tablet that you normally use for the Cricut. Message Katti what project you would like to do and she will give you a shopping list of items you need to achieve it.
Any questions, please reach out to
Katti Schneider (920) 207-3175.

Bag Bingo!!!
Saturday, April 5th
Doors Open at 11am
Games 12pm - 4pm
Pre-Registration is HIGHLY recommended!
10 Regular Games + 1 Coverall
10 Games (6 cards/game) - $30
Additional 3 cards/game - $15
Coverall Game - $10
With the purchase of each 10 game packet, you will receive a raffle ticket.
If you pre-register, you will receive an additional raffle ticket!
Please register with Kailyn Anderson: kailynteeter2012@gmail.com or Call/Text 262-808-3428